Strategies for Successful Online Learning
By Gina Bellisario

This past March, students across the United States were introduced to the concept of online learning. Althoughhigh schools and colleges have offered online courses for a number of years, many students found themselvesimmersed in a brand-new experience, with every one of their subjects being taught in a completely remotefashion.Online learning, as with any experience, comes… Continue reading


Dysgraphia and Its Effect on Writing
By Gina Bellisario

Writing can be a difficult undertaking. Even the most experienced authors struggle with finding the best wordsto communicate their ideas. But what happens when students have dysgraphia? The task can feelexponentially more challenging.What is Dysgraphia?Dysgraphia is a learning disability that affects a student’s writing skills. Not only can it cause students tostruggle with penmanship, it… Continue reading


Students and Cell Phones

Cell phones are a very important aspect in a teenagers life. Teenagers use cell phones for communication purposes with their friends and family. They can also use them as a support for homework or research. One thing that has caught most parents minds is the fact that teenagers are always on their cell phones; even… Continue reading


Parents: How to be Involved in Your Child’s Learning

Let’s face it – your child’s education is important to help them build a stable career and sometimes, children are too immature to realize it. So how can you be involved in your child’s education without being an annoyance? Start Early. Try to be involved from the beginning of their education – as early as… Continue reading


5 Tips for Parents to Encourage Studying

Be interesting Kids generally learn more from the examples their parents set than the rules that they propose. So, if you would like your child to study more, study something yourself. Whether it’s keeping reading current, delving into classics, showing your child how accounting works in the home, how algorithms play out in your professional… Continue reading
