New Year’s Goals for School

A new year brings so much promise and hope for many people; especially for students. Teaching students about goal setting helps not only their foundations for when they grow up, but their academic and work histories for their future. Teaching goals early not only helps build self-esteem, but gains confidence and understanding. Taking simple goal… Continue reading


Homework Goals

When you think about homework, you probably think about time at home that may cause lots of stress because some children will not sit down and do it. They’d rather be anywhere or do anything else! For example, the percentage of students who use their electronics or telephones before they even think of studying is about… Continue reading


Characteristics of a Successful Student: Part 1

This is part one of a three part series on the characteristics of a successful student. In this portion, we will focus on a developing a plan to achieve an objective.   Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary defines success as 1.)  getting or achieving wealth, respect, or fame 2.) the correct or desired result of an attempt     The… Continue reading
