Students: Study Smarter, Not Harder

If you’re not getting the academic results you want, you may need to change your study habits. Use effective study habits to better retain the information that you take in. The key is to study smarter, not harder.   Think it, Be it, Believe it! First of all, your attitude matters. If you are overwhelmingly distracted… Continue reading


Pain-Free, Tear-Free Homework Tips!

When kids think of homework, they think of boring assignments and drudgery. But homework doesn’ have to be boring at all! In fact, it can be a very fun experience. Every parent in America seems to have a hard time now and then getting children to do homework: their child is tired after a long day at school… Continue reading


How to Spot a Successful Student

What does a successful student look like? What are their habits and practices? Let’s identify a few notable qualities that you can cultivate in your own child! 1. Successful students care about being in school and engaged in class. They miss class only in the event of an emergency, and know how to contact a few reliable classmates should they… Continue reading


Characteristics of a Successful Student: Part 1

This is part one of a three part series on the characteristics of a successful student. In this portion, we will focus on a developing a plan to achieve an objective.   Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary defines success as 1.)  getting or achieving wealth, respect, or fame 2.) the correct or desired result of an attempt     The… Continue reading


The Importance of Time Management

Why is time management useful? The answer is simple; it allows us the opportunity to efficiently achieve our goals in all areas of  life! According to Wikipedia, “Time management is the act or process of planning and exercising conscious control over an amount of time to increase effectiveness, efficiency or productivity.”    Useful techniques for developing time management skills. 1.) Create a daily,… Continue reading
